painted my bureau a new color! navy navy like the ocean
i read the most profound thing i have read in a long while. it broke me down to sobs, likewise for everyone i sent it to. i haven't read something so painfully real in a while. something that cuts human existence down to the bare bones and makes you realize how lucky we all really are. happy new year and let's all be thankful for the beautiful lives we have:
A letter to my dead girlfriend - m4w
Date: 2009-10-25, 1:36PM CDT
It has been a rough year darling. The ethereal power of Craigs List will get this message to you I am sure, like in some sort of cheesy 80s movie.
Well back to the last year, you of course died at the beginning of it which put things to a sour start. I spent last night with your mum and dad, we went to that Italian place in Wicker Park, who on the surface seem to be coping. I had everyone get together for my 25th which went well, your ladies are on top form and I think some engagements are brewing. Ellen is turning up the heat on Steve who will soon be forced down to one knee as you predicted.
Last weekend I finally took the step of cleaning out your clothes from the closet, which is very barren now. I invited your friends over to take your what they liked, it was an awkward session. I think they took them more as a favor to me than anything else. Liz cried when we pulled out all of your shoes, Miranda joined in and then Catherine broke down. It was strange to stand in our bedroom surrounded by three crying girls. I made a joke about them crying for joy at the prospect of some free Manolo Balhniks which they didn't seem to find very funny.
A few girls have put the moves on and as you know picking up women is not a forte of mine. It seems the grieving boyfriend seems to be a good angle. Who knew! I went on one date and spent it talking about you, the poor girl. You would have found it quite witty I think. No other dates to report, I am going against your orders to move on for now.
I found one of those hair tie things that somehow managed to squeeze into every crevice in the apartment. It was under the bed. I sat on the floor holding it and cried. Until then I had held everything together but it just all came flooding out.
Every morning when I wake up I forget for a fraction of a second that you are gone and I reach for you. All I ever find is the cold side of the bed. My eyes settle on the picture of us in Paris, on the bedside table, and I am overjoyed that even though the time was brief I loved you and you loved me.
I was looking through some of the archived articles in the LA Times Living section recently because I love to look at how people design their spaces and I came across this rather preach-y Echo Park couple's abode. See link. I like their sensibility, in terms of design for very small spaces, but if you read the article, they have this very annoying neo-hippie rhetoric about how it's important to live in a small space because it keeps the family closer. This quote says it all: ["We are trying to be conscientious about the choices we make," she says. "People tell you you need all this stuff for a baby. All you really need is diapers, a place to change him and boobs."] Yeah, because a baby doesn't need room to grow or anything. Also annoying: ["The American dream is to have a kid and buy a house," he says, adding he's thankful he went only halfway.] American Dream bashing?? Really? Has our hipster generation become so alternative that we can't even give our children the option or space to become whoever they want to be? I am all for being a hip and conscientious parent, but honestly. These people are looney toons.